App Eater
Free Version:1.3.0
Uninstall full apps or their latest updates in just a few steps
Author Name: Sufficiently Advanced AppsFile Size: 814.97 KBRating Value: 5(1)
Publish Time: 2014-08-25Version: 1.3.0Operating System: AndroidAvailable Languages: Spanish,English,Portuguese,French,German,Italian,Chinese,Japanese,Arabic,Russian,Dutch,Polish,Czech,Danish,Finnish,Greek,Hindi,Korean,Norwegian,Swedish,Turkish,Català,Hungarian,Thai,Malaysian,Vietnamese,Romanian,Slovenian,Farsi,Afrikaans,Bulgarian,Slovak,Ukrainian,Tagalog,Amharic,Croatian,Serbian,Estonian,Lithuanian,Zulu,Latvian,Hebrew,Swahili,Armenian
About App Eater for Android 1.3.0: App Eater is a simple app that completely gets rid of any apps you have installed but you no longer want to keep on your phone, either because they take up too much space, or because you don’t use them anymore.The tool, which organizes your apps by latest use or install date, also shows you the total space they take up on your device's memory so you can get rid of them as you see fit.With App Eater you can also batch uninstall, or even get rid of the latest update to the app that's causing you so many problems. You'll also have the option of consulting a history of uninstalls so you can restore the ones you change your mind about.If you can't find a specific app on the list or want to get rid of all tools with a specific feature in common, all you have to do is filter the list by category or other detail to get rid of them all at once.Get rid of all of those apps you no longer use in an easy, quick way and free up some space on your mobile phone thanks to App