Google My Business
Free Version:
A direct connection between businesses and clients
Author Name: Google Inc.File Size: 18.87 MBRating Value: 3.6(13)
Publish Time: 2022-01-14Version: System: AndroidAvailable Languages: English
About Google My Business for Android Google My Business is an official app from Google that connects businesses and clients through different services like Google Maps, Search, and Google Plus.The app lets you do the following: update the information about your business that appears on Google Search, Maps, and other Google services; share news and pictures on your Google Plus page; and check custom statistics, such as the number of times your business appears on Google.Keep in mind that to manage a business with Google My Business you need proof that you are really the owner, so you can't access one that's not yours.Google My Business is a useful app for small and medium-size companies that want to boost their business's visibility through Google's different